Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Saturday, 24 December 2011
The birth of Christ-Mas - Jewish materialism.
Christmas, a time of the year when we can all spend our money on materialistic, not to mention badly crafted rubbish, get drunk, eat like pigs and lie to our children about a big fat man in a red suit who comes down your chimney (even if you do not have one) and brings presents to good little boys and girls who have been nice and politically correct, used to be a celebration of something a bit more important than the ability of slaves in China to produce plastic crap for rich exploiters to get even richer off, although I can't remember exactly, but I think it may have been to do with the birth of God in human form...
And of course as usual, the Jewish run film industry enforces the true meaning of Christmas - to buy expensive objects that in reality are worth little more than pennies, in order to show your love to family and friends. The religious aspect proves to be a bit of in an inconvenience for the Jews really seeing as Christianity promotes everything wholesome and decent that they have worked so hard to destroy.
Originally, the big fat man known as father Christmas or Santa Claus - was a part of the Coca Cola advertising. The original Father Christmas known to English speaking countries, was depicted from St Nickolas - and was the spirit of Christmas cheer suited in green. The original father Christmas was in no way associated with present giving or the modern day materialistic and perverted Christmas cheer. In 1931, Coca Cola began advertising their Father Christmas as being associated with present giving, fridge raiding and playing with children awaiting his arrival. The idea was to introduce a commercialised version of Christmas, preferred by Jews to be referred to as Xmas - to disassociate the connection with Christ. It is the 80th anniversary of this fat kiddie fiddling, materialist Jew it must be time for this old nonce to be put in a home, or in the true spirit of materialism we could always save a few quid and have him euthanized?!
Christmas is not the only time that Christianity is mocked by Christ murdering Jews, typically any time of year Christianity, or simply God himself is subject to blatant Jewish hatred and blasphemy. The Zionist/Talmudist/Jewish run film industry constantly refers to Christianity or any belief of God in a less than complimentary light.
*In popular American TV shows such as the Simpson's - Homer refers to God as his favourite fictional charactor. Despite being an alleged Christian.
*In Mr Beans ultimate disaster movie - the American Jew playing alongside Mr Bean upon seeing a Mr Bean mishap, states 'Jesus of Nazerath'.
*Jewish comedian Sarah Silverman states she would kill Christ again. As well as saying Jesus was Gay.
These are just three examples of the Jewish defaming of Christianity. Why do they so desperately need to destroy Christianity?! Because Christianity teaches people that what they do in this life influences the outcome of their afterlife. If they are bad they will go to hell. If they are good they will go to heaven. It gives people a reason to behave themselves. Whereas the Jewish created ideology Atheism promotes the lie that there is no afterlife and therefore we do not need to behave in a decent and morally acceptable manner, because we will not be punished for any sin we commit or harm we cause. It also turns generally good souls away from God - and to the Jewish created sins in the form of alleged entertainment.
Christmas no longer mentions the birth of Christ - God in human form, instead of being a religious celebration, it is a used as a means to scam people out of large amounts of money - and to further push the materialistic modern way of life. We have become obsessed with this materialism. Christmas also pushes the backwards idea of allowing ones children to sit on the lap of a paedophile (seeing as they're the only ones who go for such demeaning jobs) and demand materialistic rubbish. We tell our children to never talk to strangers, get in strangers cars or accept sweets, but come Christmas we sit them on the lap of a child molester in the spirit of modern materialist Christmas?!
Evolution is used as a means to disparage belief in a divine being. Although still remaining a mere theory, just as religion, Evolutionists claim it to be a fact (an unprovable one). Evolution is the theory of a large number of coincidences, based on the theory of the coincidence of the big bang. But no matter what, no species has ever been bred to produce an entirely new species. Since no species is capable of changing its DNA structure. And the big bang theory of the sudden gas collision, fails to answer one very important question, where did the gases come from?! Even the modern decadence known as sex change helps to disprove the evolution theory, you can give a man extensive cosmetic surgery and artificial hormones, even a female name - but he will still remain a man, because you cannot change his chromosomes.
Evolution also forgets to mention the intelligent design to life. A simple look at Bacterium Flagellum Motor seen in the video above. Which is more than likely where the modern machine design ideas came from in the first place. The Jews have had this knowledge for centuries, they just don't share it. They destroy our minds with lies, but keep themselves well educated in the facts of life. Everything has a purpose and an intelligent design - such does not come from a coincidence.
In order to destroy the morality of world, first the religious belief had to be diminished. Christianity has been subjected to scrutiny for many years now. This has helped the religion to shrink significantly. Especially in England, a once very religious and morally aware country. This lack of faith quickly helped such forms of debauchery as pornography, homosexuality (and other mental illnesses such as transsexualism), perversion, materialism, gluttony, lust, greed etc be accepted by the once moral masses. And is not only a means of control, but as well as damning the souls of the masses, it is a way to aggravate and challenge God.
Atheism and lack of faith in general allowed for such perversions and mental illnesses as homosexuality and transsexualism to be legalised and labelled as 'lifestyle choices' or 'sexual preference'. Which of course further condemns Christianity for its preachings against sexual perversions. And works towards destroying the family way of life through promoting the homosexual promiscuity.
Christianity has been dispraised beyond belief with no aftermath, it is just seen as humour. Whereas if one was to criticise Judaism, or simply read a verse from the Talmud outloud in a public place, one would be arrested and charged with inciting religious and racial hatred. This being because the Jews run the world. But what very few ever wonder is why the Talmudic verses would cause such a stir?! Could it be because they promote hatred, murder and rape of non Jews?! As well as showing racial supremacy?! But it matters not what their text states, only how the public may react to it being read aloud.
And not only do the Jews destroy and diminish our beliefs in their propaganda, but they also impose us with their own beliefs and depraved culture. In their films we are shown pretty much only Jewish weddings, never Christian ones. And in America circumcision is pretty much required these days. Circumcision is propagandized as being healthy and clean, whereas uncircumcised men are portrayed as unclean and undesireable.
If God did not want men to have foreskins, why did he create them?! God created man in his image, I doubt he would have made such a mistake. The Jews are trying to correct God's mistakes - which is basically Satanism. The Zionist Jews wish to push us all to sin for this reason. They worship Satan and help him to destroy and damn the souls of the masses.
The Jews want you to worship Mammon, rather than God. That is why Christmas has been destroyed and turned in to a shopping frenzy. We have been pushed in to acting out sins such as greed, gluttany, lust, materialism, vanity etc through celebrations such as Christmas, easter and non religious ones such as mothers day etc, we are worshipping Mammon through committing the Jewish promoted sins against the wish of God. They are sins because they destroy society and our soul. They ruin us through causing obsession and breaking our connection to nature and the spiritual. And these sins are typically Jewish ideas and behaviours anyway. Do not fall for the commercialised Christmas.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Radical feminists: man hating Lesbians.
The ideology of feminism first came to light in the early 19th and 20th century (first wave feminism), under the guise of fighting for equality and a woman's right to be involved in the running of the country. The suffrage movements encouraged women to believe they were being oppressed. The movement proposed that women fight for suffrage (the right to vote) and to be treated as equals to men.
Women from middle class backgrounds were easily persuaded by the notion. And no doubt the media lies did little to advise them otherwise.
Feminism was created as a way to separate a woman from her nature. And to destroy the family way of life, by convincing women that they were being oppressed in fulfilling their natural instincts in life - to procreate, raise their family and look after the household, in other words be a housewife and mother. How can such an important role be seen as a chore, or state of oppression?!
The real reason feminism was so desperately pushed was to allow for the free sex (women) to be enslaved just as men had for centuries. Although the ideology ignores the fact that lower class females and children had been forced to work in criminally dangerous work conditions in order to survive. Feminism was never about equality. It was about separating a wife from her husband, a mother from her child, destroying the family life and connection between mother and child - in order to create even more slaves of the female middle class variety.
Second wave feminist activity began in the early 1960s, and suggested that patriarchal family life oppressed women. It promoted the idea that looking after children was a chore. And women were wasting their potential, potential meaning ability to be a slave to the establishment perhaps?! Domesticity soon became something to be ashamed of. Women were told to believe that there was something negative about fulfilling the role of a housewife or mother.
In 1949 Simone de Beauvoir concluded that women were perceived as the "The Second Sex", in her work, merely because of their ability to menstruate, procreate and lactate.
Which again promotes a woman's natural instincts and role in life as something negative.
Betty Friedan, in her book "The Feminine Mystique", she stated that the family image of that time was degrading to women and did not reflect happiness. Exactly what part of a mother raising and nurturing her child as nature intended, is degrading to women?! It is the most important role in existence. A mother is responsible for moulding and shaping her children in to who they will be as adults, and her children are a credit to her. This sickening book was responsible for the kick start of the second wave of feminism, which allowed for middle class women to become slaves to the establishment just as lower class women already had in despicable conditions.
Second wave feminism still seems like a noble movement in today's mindset, as it supposedly fought for equality in pay and such. However, as it stands the supposed inequality in pay was justifiable in some ways. Men were paid more because they were the sole providers for their family. And were capable of much more strenuous work. Whereas single women were only providing for themselves or parents, and were capable of less in terms of strength. This ideology would later allow single women to provide for out-of-wedlock children. And for those children to be left with state indoctrinated 'carers'. Thus diminishing the family life and parent-child bond.
In modern society, feminism has taken an even more destructive and radical turn - being mainly an ideology for man hating lesbians. And many of these man haters are in powerful, or at least important positions and so have a great influence in political or influential terms.
Radical feminism goes so far as to call for the violent slaughter of men and male children. Its political influence has oppressed men for years using the lie of sexism to further destroy a mans rights. If the fight were truly ever for equality, men would also be allowed to experience some. However, as it stands men are being punished, as it seems, for their supposed crimes of treating women as housewives and mothers. Or in other, more truthful words, looking after them and keeping them from a life of slavery.
Radfem hub (Radical feminist), is a website recently exposed for emphasising articles from man hating feminists, of a severely destructive and violent nature.
Here is the entire article exposing how feminists REALLY think:
The article shows screen shots of feminists and their opinions of how to deal with men. Some of which I will post below.
Laila Namdarkhan (screen name “ybawife”), a well known feminist activist who was instrumental in passing legislation in the U.K. Regarding the mental health of women in prisons;
Above calling for the abortion of male babies. And justifying it by stating female babies have been aborted. Not only sickening, but also a retarded mentality. Feminists are mentally ill from being indoctrinated and raped mentally by the establishment and media lies. The comment exposes a truly unhealthy and sexist attitude towards males of any age. 
This child care worker is obviously incapable of looking after children. She has an unhealthy attitude towards the males she 'supposedly' cares for and holds them in contempt for merely having the XY chromosome. She refers to the male she cares for as a future rapist, and clearly this is how she sees all males. She is a serious threat to children, and males especially for this reason.
Kat Pinder (screen name “Amazon Mancrusher”), a community development coordinator for the City of Perth in Australia and former U.K. Game show Big Brother contestant;
This feminist suggests that men should be raped and battered (as if men are never victims of these things anyway, women also batter their husbands it is very common, just less reported because of the embarrassment factor), and also she describes general housework as a degrading task that men should have to endure to suffer as women have - although it is not degrading at all it is merely a part of life. She then refers to low paid jobs - although this hasn't been an issue for some time for women. And many men do have to work in low paid and degrading jobs. She also mentions men should be purchased from brothels. She is suggesting that women are forced in to that line of work, however this is far from true. Most women who do this, choose to because it is easy money. Or they wish to pay for their drugs. And in most cases where a woman or young girl is forced in to prostitution, in England alone, it is due to Asian drug dealers - who get them hooked on heroin and then coerce them in to paying for the drugs through sexual activity with the dealer and his friends. Eventually the dealer pimps her out to other Asians who may not be in his tight circle of friends. This is a well known fact in the drugs intervention services. Although it is not highly publicised because it may promote racial hatred.
Mary Syrett (screen name “Mary Sunshine”), a writer and member of the City of Kingston Arts Council in Ontario, Canada;
This woman suggests that women should not nurture their male babies. She states that females are forced to give birth to baby boys, but after that a woman can choose not to care for him and ensure his development. She constantly refers to it being a woman's choice what to do with a male baby after birth - she seems to hint at a tremendously savage solution to the male population problem. And she obviously is very against a male future - she would perhaps prefer men to never be needed and for all procreation to be artificial. And this is seen as a sane mentality?!Lorraine Allen (screen name “White Tiger”), a special education teacher at The Center for Discovery Hurleyville, New York;
A special education teacher - I believe this means she works with mentally handicapped children? And at the boys statement, which he probably does not even fully understand the meaning of, she suggests that she would like to throw him out of an unopened window. And she is allowed to work closely with children?! Sickening isn't it?!
Man hating feminist lesbians have an unhealthy attitude towards all men. Many feminists with these disgusting, utterly destructive and dangerous opinions hold strong influential positions and are working towards changing the political aspects and laws. They basically wish to imprison men with the same kind of oppression they're supposedly against. They have been raised to hate men. But because they're feminists they are allowed to have their evil man hating opinions. Such is the way of political correctness, in a maddened and corrupt society.
The establishment have gained greatly from this self destructive attitude, the family has been destroyed. Children are raised by a paedophile state that daily destroys their mind with lies, women have been enslaved. Feminism has corrupted women to the point of sexual perversion and violent hatred of men. Control of the masses has been gained. In first destroying women, they had half the population. Then they killed off the strong men in the wars, leaving behind the weak to breed a generation of weaklings and intellectually inferior shadows of the former greatness. Now we are left with the heavily indoctrinated rubble, that mindlessly follow, and feel an indescribable need to be led. Very few see past the establishment and media lies and propaganda. The education systems ensure that the younger generations do not question this cancerous way of life. Thus allowing control to remain in the hands of the hand picked Zionist/Talmudist establishment.
Saturday, 17 December 2011
More BBC propaganda:
The above BBC article uses black and white photography to disguise the criminal Nordine Amrani's true roots. It is a sordid attempt to portray him as Belgian, rather than what he actually is - Moroccan. The reason for this is because the BBC propaganda network couldn't possibly allow the world to realise just how bad the foreign crime is. It might be cause for concern. As well as waking people up to the fact that multiculturalism does not work. If you stick a turd in with a load of decent food, the turd doesn't become edible or decent, it soils the food completely. The same goes for the ideology of sticking criminals and scum in decent neighbourhoods and countries - the good does not rub off on them, their bad rubs off on the decent people, thus creating more scum. And naturally that is the idea. Of course the rich will not suffer the same injustice. They can afford to not live next door to paedophiles, murderers, rapists and thieves.
Amrani had been in trouble with the police pretty much all of his life. He was due in court on the day of his attack, killing at least four people and wounding 120. And though he had been in trouble before for growing cannabis and possessing a large arsenal, he was acquitted for having the correct permissions.
As usual the BBC, like all official media networks, does its very best to keep race out of the crime. Regardless of the fact that race does play a major part in crime statistics. This is to supposedly protect the human rights of the criminal. The same does not go in the case of a white criminal - especially when the crime is supposedly a racist attack - in which case the white shall be ridiculed and the entire white race deemed racist for it.
In one recent case of supposed racism in England, which can be found on youtube: 'My tram experience'. A white woman daring to voice her opinion was filmed, the woman was arrested for speaking freely and her child placed in to care - where it will no doubt be mentally, physically and emotionally molested by the state. Well done multiculturalism and freedom, once again you have served us well.
The police conveniently ignored the black man behind her, who was about to get up and violently assault the woman in question, his girlfriend persuaded him not to though. I suppose in the eyes of the law he was provoked and therefore it was not his fault?! Although the white woman could not possibly have been provoked by any of the foreigners around her, that could never happen.
What is the world coming to?!
The above BBC article uses black and white photography to disguise the criminal Nordine Amrani's true roots. It is a sordid attempt to portray him as Belgian, rather than what he actually is - Moroccan. The reason for this is because the BBC propaganda network couldn't possibly allow the world to realise just how bad the foreign crime is. It might be cause for concern. As well as waking people up to the fact that multiculturalism does not work. If you stick a turd in with a load of decent food, the turd doesn't become edible or decent, it soils the food completely. The same goes for the ideology of sticking criminals and scum in decent neighbourhoods and countries - the good does not rub off on them, their bad rubs off on the decent people, thus creating more scum. And naturally that is the idea. Of course the rich will not suffer the same injustice. They can afford to not live next door to paedophiles, murderers, rapists and thieves.
Amrani had been in trouble with the police pretty much all of his life. He was due in court on the day of his attack, killing at least four people and wounding 120. And though he had been in trouble before for growing cannabis and possessing a large arsenal, he was acquitted for having the correct permissions.
As usual the BBC, like all official media networks, does its very best to keep race out of the crime. Regardless of the fact that race does play a major part in crime statistics. This is to supposedly protect the human rights of the criminal. The same does not go in the case of a white criminal - especially when the crime is supposedly a racist attack - in which case the white shall be ridiculed and the entire white race deemed racist for it.
In one recent case of supposed racism in England, which can be found on youtube: 'My tram experience'. A white woman daring to voice her opinion was filmed, the woman was arrested for speaking freely and her child placed in to care - where it will no doubt be mentally, physically and emotionally molested by the state. Well done multiculturalism and freedom, once again you have served us well.
The police conveniently ignored the black man behind her, who was about to get up and violently assault the woman in question, his girlfriend persuaded him not to though. I suppose in the eyes of the law he was provoked and therefore it was not his fault?! Although the white woman could not possibly have been provoked by any of the foreigners around her, that could never happen.
What is the world coming to?!
Friday, 16 December 2011
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Free speech for the silent:
Once again a classic example of censorship of free speech has hit the headlines in the form of a student Natasha Burge, 19 of Windsor high school. This student was suspended from her school for daring to exercise her right to freedom of speech. Her supposedly intolerant opinion, written on facebook, was reported by another student to the school authorities. How her personal opinions and comments on facebook affect the school authorities I really would like to know?!
The student simply suggested that Christmas was being abandoned and so was the national anthem - to appease our foreign guests. Which is very true in many cases.
Natasha Burge's comment, Nov. 3 suggesting those who feel offended by Christmas celebrations and the singing of the national anthem at school should “please feel free to go back to your own (expletive) country,”
Burge goes on to suggest walking through Kennedy Collegiate dressed up as Santa and “screaming merry Christmas to the arabs, pakis, towel heads and whatever other race that doesn't like it.”
I would have thought a more pressing issue to be what on earth a fictional character, that used to represent coca cola, has to do with a religious celebration such as Christmas?!
The article, as well as the school board portray her opinion as racist and intolerant. The idea is to squash any form of free speech, obviously this only counts if you are white skinned. If you are foreign you can do or say as you please according to the infinite wisdom of the government and injustice system.
Burge stated (quite rightly so), if you don't like my comment don't read it, remove me from your friend list, don't report me. She was wrongfully suspended for simply having an opinion.
Public school board spokesman Scott Scantlebury attempts to justify the censorship of free speech, as well as using facebook as a way to attack students for daring to think freely. Obviously the spokesman is a product of the heavy indoctrination system he so willingly enforces upon others.
Rachel Olivero, diversity officer with the Greater Essex County District School Board, states;
"When it comes to free speech, people are entitled to their opinions — until it reaches a point of intolerance."
"When it comes to free speech, people are entitled to their opinions — until it reaches a point of intolerance."
Have you ever heard anything more retarded in your life?! In response to such stupidity I say, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Voltaire.
The official media and education system are simply used to enforce the multi culti nonsense, that involves one race (whites) licking the back end of every other race. And losing their freedom in the name of supposed tolerance.
And the only race daft enough to fall for such is the white race. Amazing really. We dig our own graves by allowing such lunacy. Whatever happened to looking after your own people?! We are too busy chastising our fellow man because we have been conditioned to police each other against freedom of speech. This self destructive behaviour has already caused a great deal of problems. And it will only get worse.
You can view the full article here:
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Break from the herd!
Voting for a certain political party exists to give the impression that choice and freedom are actually a part of everyday life. The fact is, ALL politicians are corrupt, and all have the exact same agenda. Each party lies in order to gain votes, however it seems that whichever party is destined to next be in power is broadcast more so than the other parties - posted on billboards and such to influence the easily brainwashed with promises these politicians do not intend to keep. But this is merely scratching the surface regarding the problems with corrupt governments.
The mentality of the majority is that the people in power simply cannot be corrupt, they are not capable of doing anything other than what is best, what is right for the country and it's inhabitants. This kind of bizarre ideology apparently rules out any chance of corruption in any government - because according to the 'controlled' masses, people in places of power would not be in that position unless they had the 'peoples' best interest at heart. One point I would like to make is that people with evil intentions, always attempt to apply for positions working in areas where they can satisfy their evil intentions - for example, paedophiles tend to work in jobs close to children - such as schools and priesthood etc. This is common knowledge. So why then is it so difficult for people to believe that a government could be corrupt? My belief is that the mind is very simple in that of the masses - we cannot think behind the smoke screen we are provided, mostly due to daily influences which form our opinions for us such as TV, Billboard advertisements, radio, newspapers etc.
Politicians are basically puppets, used as a scape goat to keep our attention diverted from our true rulers - the evil Zionists. In effect, our view of politicians is that they control what decisions are made in our country - therefore when things start to go wrong, or start to ruin lives who do we instantly blame? The face of the public, the government! In the very same sentence, many people will also say 'But what can we do', so basically people believe their votes count - yet also believe they have no control over any decisions the people they supposedly voted for make? How can such lunacy still be classed as freedom? Yet the brainwashed will always believe they are free because the cage is not a physical one, nor is it in anyway visible - the chains are both financial and mental. The reason people maintain such a passive attitude towards life as it is, is because of lithium in the water. Lithium is prescribed for manic depression - it is said to lesson anger, aggression and agitation, this keeps the masses placid as they're financially ruined, physically and mentally destroyed, poisoned, and enslaved by Zionist puppet masters. It keeps the people from questioning the dozens of new and ludicrous rules made daily, the destruction of language, and it keeps the masses from doing anything to stop this enslavement of mankind.
The idea of the politicians is to provide something to keep our attention, a flashy sign or billboard to focus our minds on the immediate problem, so we may never see what lies beyond this sign. Our Zionist rulers are very intelligent, they can see far beyond what our simple minds can even begin to process. Whereas we may only be able to think a few steps ahead of ourselves, they are constantly thing a hundred steps ahead of themselves. And because our brain capacity is so limited, we assume that every bodies brain capacity is just as limited. We seem only able to see in black and white regarding matters of great importance - we cannot see the many possible hints of colour because our minds cannot grasp such complexities. This is exactly what allows the Zionist puppet masters to have such control over everything. Not only that, but also they have many puppets who are happy to play a small part in the destruction of the world - for a price I dare say, money or maybe just the promise of life while the rest of the disposable humans are being wiped out.
The mentality of the majority is that the people in power simply cannot be corrupt, they are not capable of doing anything other than what is best, what is right for the country and it's inhabitants. This kind of bizarre ideology apparently rules out any chance of corruption in any government - because according to the 'controlled' masses, people in places of power would not be in that position unless they had the 'peoples' best interest at heart. One point I would like to make is that people with evil intentions, always attempt to apply for positions working in areas where they can satisfy their evil intentions - for example, paedophiles tend to work in jobs close to children - such as schools and priesthood etc. This is common knowledge. So why then is it so difficult for people to believe that a government could be corrupt? My belief is that the mind is very simple in that of the masses - we cannot think behind the smoke screen we are provided, mostly due to daily influences which form our opinions for us such as TV, Billboard advertisements, radio, newspapers etc.
Politicians are basically puppets, used as a scape goat to keep our attention diverted from our true rulers - the evil Zionists. In effect, our view of politicians is that they control what decisions are made in our country - therefore when things start to go wrong, or start to ruin lives who do we instantly blame? The face of the public, the government! In the very same sentence, many people will also say 'But what can we do', so basically people believe their votes count - yet also believe they have no control over any decisions the people they supposedly voted for make? How can such lunacy still be classed as freedom? Yet the brainwashed will always believe they are free because the cage is not a physical one, nor is it in anyway visible - the chains are both financial and mental. The reason people maintain such a passive attitude towards life as it is, is because of lithium in the water. Lithium is prescribed for manic depression - it is said to lesson anger, aggression and agitation, this keeps the masses placid as they're financially ruined, physically and mentally destroyed, poisoned, and enslaved by Zionist puppet masters. It keeps the people from questioning the dozens of new and ludicrous rules made daily, the destruction of language, and it keeps the masses from doing anything to stop this enslavement of mankind.
The idea of the politicians is to provide something to keep our attention, a flashy sign or billboard to focus our minds on the immediate problem, so we may never see what lies beyond this sign. Our Zionist rulers are very intelligent, they can see far beyond what our simple minds can even begin to process. Whereas we may only be able to think a few steps ahead of ourselves, they are constantly thing a hundred steps ahead of themselves. And because our brain capacity is so limited, we assume that every bodies brain capacity is just as limited. We seem only able to see in black and white regarding matters of great importance - we cannot see the many possible hints of colour because our minds cannot grasp such complexities. This is exactly what allows the Zionist puppet masters to have such control over everything. Not only that, but also they have many puppets who are happy to play a small part in the destruction of the world - for a price I dare say, money or maybe just the promise of life while the rest of the disposable humans are being wiped out.
The Zionist plan is to leave at most five hundred million people to live out their lives as slaves, and wipe the rest of the seven thousand million population out. This plan has been in action for some time now, and is already killing people in a slow and painful manner. It starts with poisonous chemicals being forced upon our fragile immune systems from birth, by way of vaccination - and continues with any medication we are prescribed in our lifetime, as well as the harmful chemicals found in food/water, and the sky (chem trails). Such chemicals and metals as - mercury, formaldehyde, aspartame, saccharin, sorbitol, fluoride etc, which cause brain damage, cancer and many other health problems. Here is a link to a list of diseases and symptoms linked to vaccinations:
Do some research to find out hidden dangers in food, water and vaccinations/all pharmacy medications - make sure that any food you consume is free from the above mentioned chemicals. Don't make the mistake of thinking such things would not be approved by the FDA if they were unsafe, or that any level of such things in food or drinks will be low therefore cannot be all that damaging - any level of these chemicals is very damaging, and YES the FDA would approve such dangerous things, and they do!
The biggest problems however are that people are not aware of the Zionist influence, and truly think they're free and have options, as well as the fact that they believe that this physical existence is the only reality. But in actual fact, the physical doesn't exist at all - take atoms for example the smallest form of matter, everything is made up of atoms. Atoms are hollow, which means nothing can be solid, nothing physical can truly exist in anything more than our imagination. Or more to the point, our perception of existence. This physical reality we see before us, is where other life forms meet, where we share the same confused perception of life - this is not natural. We live in this existence now because we were manipulated in to doing so, such an existence is easier to control, through fear, vanity, materialism, laws etc.
The relevance of the above mentioned reality would be that it ties in with what many fail to understand, our brain capacity is so limited, we are basically only able to see on in black and white - in terms of our level of intelligence and perception. Whereas our Zionist rulers can see far beyond what we have been trained to accept as reality, hence why such complex problems are difficult for the masses to grasp, although in some cases they wish to remain ignorant.
To go back to my original point, if we have these rather fruitless choices such as differing (in appearance only of course) political parties and votes, choices of 'set' (controlled) opinions (provided by TV, radio and political correctness), and more tedious choices such as which football team to support, which type of 'set' fashion to follow, which channel of TV propaganda to follow, which controlled personality to take on, or politically correct/incorrect opinion to take on etc. Such ineffectual decisions lead to the misconception of freedom - if the cage is not visible, we will not fight it! But in effect, once you break free from this indoctrination, the cage is visible - you can see the mental and financial cage. The control is apparent in the outrageous bills and taxes, the destruction of countries, the way people unwittingly regurgitate everything they hear, read and see on TV, radio and in newspapers. The chains are financial, the cage is mental!
Upon each election, the persuadable voters in their naivety, tend vote out the previously elected politician, relying on the next greatly pushed puppet to be a better and more trustworthy choice. And even though this repeats itself every election, mostly they remain unaware of this ongoing pattern. Some voters do realise that all politicians are as bad as each other, though they still vote because they are under the impression that their vote counts for something, because the vote represents freedom.
Every time a politician has served his/her purpose, a new party and politician is pushed - through advertising, or 'lying' as it is otherwise known! Every party has a slightly different angle, in destruction that is, one might be particularly bad destruction-wise working slightly faster towards our demise, and another may seem to take take take - then give a little bit back - if you get my meaning. They have different appearances, different ways of handling the position - which is all in the keeping of choices and freedom - the act has to be convincing. And that is all it is, an act! Every face in the eye of the public these days is an actor/actress - they put on a show, even when pretending to be themselves. Everything is scripted, every move planned. This is all part of corrupting your personality/choices - they're shaping who you are and what you think. The idea is to create a set group for each 'set' personality type so that these groups (which are somewhere further up police controlled) can be controlled, these people can be influenced and controlled. Such control allows our Zionist rulers to sway our actions, our decisions... which leads to us further reacting in the way they want and destroying the freedom we once had. Do not fall for the group stereotype ideology. Think for yourself. Be an individual, not a sheep!
Friday, 2 December 2011
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